Makoy Portado is a Session Guitarist and a church musician hailing from the proud province of Cagayan De Oro.
His journey started at the age of 12, playing guitar for the music ministry at a local churhc and quickly gained recognition from his friends and fellow church musicians.
After sometime, he started playing for TJ Monterde in his early days as a duo acoustic tandem after coming to Manila, playing at various events and writing compositions of their own.
In 2013, he met KZ and quickly built a rapport, from then on, he started playing for her performances in Manila.
Fast forward to the present, he is now a session player for renowned artists, to mention a few are Sarah Geronimo, Ylona Garcia, Kyla, and Jaya.
He is currently affiliated with Influence Worship, a Dumaguete based worship band that holds worship concerts in the south.
He has found a growing passion for the Electric Guitar and currently uses various JCraft axes in his gigs and performances.